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Uncovering Facial Ageing


Beautification is the process of making visual enhancements to a face that is typically used on people that have not yet started the facial aging process. A typical example of this would be lip filler treatment to a person in their 20’s.

Rejuvenation refers to the replenishment or repair to facial changes of a person that has started the aging process. This can be achieved with the use of hyaluronic acid filler treatments to replace lost volume, anti-wrinkle treatment to reduce fine lines and wrinkle or skin treatment to repair damage or aging skin. Typically, the facial aging process starts in a person late 20’s to 30’s.

Ageing is a process that affects everyone, it happens to us all. We constantly expose our

face and neck to the world and elements making our faces one of the places that aging is most obvious.

How our face ages is defined mainly by pre-determined intrinsic factors such as genetics but extrinsic factors such as lifestyle including smoking, alcohol and sun exposure also contribute to how our skin ages.

The picture to the right shows twins that lived different lifestyles, you can clearly see how things like sun exposure can dramatically change facial skin appearance and texture resulting in premature aging.

Triangle of Youth - A good example of how we age is to look at the triangle of youth. A youthful face has a wider upper face narrowing to the chin. High cheek bones and defined jawline. As we age the triangle turns due to volume loss in the upper face a sagging soft tissue to the lower face described as the pyramid of aging.

Facial aging is a gradual and complex process that affects 3 areas of our face including

bone, soft tissue (muscle and fat) and skin.


Certain areas of our facial skeleton enlarge with age whist other areas decrease in volume

due to a decrease in bone density.


Fat loss occurs with aging causing loss of volume that starts to occur first in the midface. Fat

redistributes from north to south this leads to an increase of fat in areas such as the

nasolabial fold and jowl compartments


Muscles with aging can decrease up to 50%. Facial muscles with age increase in length,

increase in muscle tone and decrease in muscle thickness causing signs of aging


The main extrinsic cause of aging is UV damage from sun exposure. This is demonstrated

well by twins that lived different life styles and sun exposure, you can clearly see the

powerful effect UV damage can have on the skin in the picture below.

Good News!

We now live in a time where we understand facial aging and have non-surgical methods to

help retore lost volume and products to rejuvenate and repair skin.

To be able to do this effectively it is important to visit a clinician that has deep knowledge and understanding of the aging process so that a tailored treatment plan can be produced to get the best results.

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If you would like some more information here is a short video that explains the above in

some more detail ------->

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